Les Mis! Again! And alone!

I just saw Les Mis for the 7th or 8th time, and it’s bothering me that I can’t remember if I’ve seen it 7 or 8 times.  Family?  Can you help me out here?

  • I saw it twice before college, both times in Louisville.  One of those times Mario and Dennis came with us.
  • I saw it once in college with John, which was the first time he saw it.
  • I saw it once at Wolf Trap with John, in 2008, the second time for him and so far the last for him.
  • I saw it at the Kennedy Center with Mel, Jess, Margaret, and Amanda in 2011.
  • I saw it at the Warner Theatre with Brynn (former coworker) in 2012.  I think it was 2012.
  • I just saw it last night in Providence ALL BY MYSELF.* More on that in a bit.

That’s seven times, but I feel like I’m missing one.  An early one.  And I can’t believe it’s been five years since I saw it last (although it was more like nine years between the two times I saw it with John).

Hm.  Maybe it’s another DC one.  Did I see it once with Adam and Simone?  At the National Theatre?  That’s ringing a bell, actually.

So, yeah, I went alone for two very good reasons.  No, three.

  1. John’s not a fan.  He would certainly come with me, but I don’t see the point of buying him a ticket so he can accompany me to something he won’t enjoy, when he’s only going so I don’t have to go alone (which is a lovely reason), and since I know he won’t like it, it takes my enjoyment down a notch.  A teensy notch, but a notch.  Anyone else would have had to travel, and while that would have been fun (it has been in the past), see points 2 and 3.
  2. It’s kinda fun to go to things by myself.  Other people (other people I like, I should say) are hardly a burden (I can’t say the same about people I don’t like, obvs), but sometimes it’s nice to do whatever I want to do, however I want to do it, without worrying about whoever is with me.
  3. I GOT THE GREATEST SEAT EVER because I was only buying ONE ticket.  It was one seat, by itself, front row, six seats off the center aisle.  If I’d been looking for two tickets, I would have been way off to the side and further back or WAY further back.

I have NEVER had this good of a seat to see Les Mis, and it was AWESOME.  No kidding, I was so close it felt almost like a private performance, and this performance was SO GOOD.  This was the first stop of this season’s national tour.  The schedule is here.  You should go.

I miss the revolving stage, though.


  1. Momma Betty

    You know I actually had that marked on our calendar–Les Miz in Providence this week. I would have gone with you! I would travel to see it.

  2. Brian Breguet

    I’m not saying that I am with John on this, but…if you count the movie, then you have seen Les Mis about 7 or 8 times more than me.

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