John is lucking out this year for his birthday. How likely is it that this many bands he likes are nearby right now? AND, lucky for me and our budget, these are bands it’s cheap to see, not like giant rock bands who sell out stadiums and whose cheap tickets are $100 each. We’re going to see Colin Hay (for the second time) tonight, again as a surprise for him. (It’s not exactly a hardship for me – I really enjoyed it last time.) The show is in a town south of Boston, so it’ll be a little easier to get to, and the vibe is going to be COMPLETELY different. For one, it’s in a theater, not a club. Second, we’ll have seats that we’ll actually be sitting in, and third, the crowd is likely to be a lot older. More sedate. Not that the crowd for Against Me! was young, exactly, but I do expect the number of piercings and mohawks to be lower. And probably no shouting. And I think moshing is highly unlikely. But you never know!