I guess I was paying more attention to the forecast in Kentucky than I was to our forecast because I had no idea it was supposed to snow last night and this morning. We only got about an inch, but it was coming down when we woke up and that was enough to convince us to skip the gym. (It shouldn’t be that easy to convince us to skip the gym.) I had a moment of welcome-back-to-the-east-coast panic (everyone from Texas to Maine got snow last week – it’s not just New England), but then I remembered that this is the year (or maybe next year – we’ll see) that I get real, honest-to-goodness cold weather stuff.
I can’t have the coat I WANT because it sold out in less than 30 minutes the day it came out.
John wants this one.
Columbia made 1,980 of each of these (plus a Han Solo parka we don’t like as much), and even though they were $400 each, they were GONE. The website said they were totally sold out online, but stores had a limited number, so I called three different stores. I only got through to one place (in Minneapolis). The guy said they had one XS Leia and one 2XL Luke left, but “I’m looking at a customer who has them both in her hands right now.” It was 10:20 in the morning. The store opened at 10.
John and I are holding out hope that they’ll make more of them someday. Until then, I’ll just have to be cold in my totally not awesome normal coat.