Six Wakes is the first novel I picked up with the express purpose of deciding if I would nominate it for a Hugo. It only took me a few pages to decide that I would not. It took me nearly halfway before I decided not to even finish it. I don’t think I’m being pickier than usual, or feeling self-important about my new-found (new-bought) influence in the SFF world, but I did fret about putting this one down completely. The writing is…not great (noticeable from the first few pages). It certainly doesn’t live up to the premise, which is pretty cool, but maybe the book could have been saved by a good editor. Maybe it WAS saved, and this was as far as she could take it. I stuck with it because I liked the story and figured I could still find out what happens – just because I may not nominate something doesn’t mean it’s not an enjoyable read – but then I stopped enjoying it. I started skimming. !!!
Tip for Future Me: if you’re skimming a book because you want to know the end but you can’t handle reading every word, put it down and look up the plot summary online. Save your reading time for books you want to read.
Anyway, I feel guilty about it, but I put the book down for my own sanity and then promptly read the plot summary online. And now I know the end…and I’m kind of glad I didn’t keep reading. It doesn’t sound like it pays off.
momma betty
Check out Year One by Nora Roberts. Started off interesting, then meandered into something like romance. We stopped listening then.
Good luck on your quest.
That is hardly a ringing endorsement. Why would I read that knowing you wouldn’t even finish it?