John went to visit Tom this weekend, drink some beer, brew some beer, and talk about manly things (I assume), so I had a little over 24 hours to myself. Let’s see how I spent that time:
- I cleaned the entire house. Seriously, that’s the first thing I did after John left. No reason I couldn’t have done with him home (and of course he would have helped), but that’s just how the timing worked out. I feel SO much better.
- I went for a run. The weather was the warmest it’s been in weeks, so I went running for the first time since Christmas Eve. It was GREAT.
- Took a LONG hot shower, put on my pjs, talked to Mel for an hour and got caught up on her remodel drama.
- Ordered Indian food and watched the most recent two episodes of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Disappointing. The Indian food, not the TV.
- Started a 1000-piece puzzle.
- Went to bed with my book and read.
- Got up early-ish, okay no, 9am is not early. But I woke up before 8 and then just didn’t get up.
- Went to the gym. My calves protested yesterday’s run, but I think it was good to stretch them out… John has the car, so I walked. Not too cold (30s).
- Had eggs and toast for brunch and spent more time on my puzzle.
- Went to a local coffee shop for an hour or so to read.
- Came home, worked on puzzle, finished my book.
John came home!
I lead a very exciting life.