I had to take a break from reading only Hugo-eligible books. Since I started that plan (right around New Year’s Day, I’ve read 19 Hugo-eligible novels and novellas. I’ve really liked seven of them, but that leaves too many books in recent memory that I didn’t like all that much. That hurts my brain. I need to go back to my normal approach to choosing books, and for next year’s Hugos, I’ll just have to sprinkle in eligible books throughout the year. I think it’s the only way I’ll survive.
I started my break, and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. I never expected to be so stressed out by this. When I don’t like a book, or when I put one down without finishing (I only did that ONCE), and the stakes are whether or not I nominate it for a Hugo, I feel like I’m letting the author down. As if my one nomination is going to make a difference. Still, I’m sorry, author! I feel bad!
Nominations are due a week from Friday, so this will soon be in the past. Until it’s time to vote. But that part should be fun.
So how DO you choose your next book to read? Because I’ve downloaded several recently that have been so poorly written or boring that I can barely make it past chapter 1. Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that I only download books that are being advertised as free ebooks or on sale for 99 cents…the quality might not be the highest.
On a separate note, I would like to point out that your math questions at the bottom of the commenting section to check if I’m a robot stress me out every time. What if I get it wrong and Zannah decides I AM robot? Or just plain bad at math.
I’m trying to keep your brain sharp! Sorry it stresses you out, but it certainly keeps the spam comments out.
As for how I choose books normally, I mostly use recommendations. You know what? I’m making this a post. 🙂