This whole Hugo Voter thing is SO COOL
The Hugo Voter Packet was released recently, and do you know what that is? I mean, I didn’t know it existed until after I got into this process, and then I kind of knew I’d get a voter packet, and I kind of knew what that meant, but I just downloaded it yesterday and GUYS. It’s like my birthday and Christmas and Hanukkah and people just giving me presents for NO REASON. That’s how cool it is. The Hugo Voter Packet contains electronic copies of many, if not most, of the Hugo nominees for best novel, novella, short story, novelette, series, art, magazine and so on through all the categories AND NOW I HAVE THEM ALL.
I am so happy to have these AND it makes my “what should I read next” dilemma WAY easier to solve. Voting is over in a month and a half. What will I read next? Everything in my Hugo Voter Packet!