Transfers and money back

It’s official – we’re not going to WorldCon this year.  Okay, it was official MONTHS ago, but as of today, we have transferred both memberships over to other people who will really go so now it’s super official.  And because people are basically good (or at least the people in my sample of SFF fans who go to conventions are basically good), both of the people we transferred the memberships to paid us for those memberships.  And because WE are basically good people, we didn’t charge them the full amount we paid back in December.  One of them got her membership (John’s) in time to vote.  The other didn’t, but that means MY votes for the Hugo awards (and other awards) counted, and we all know how important that was to me.  (Voting ended Tuesday night at midnight, and the transfer of my membership went through today.)

Next year, WorldCon is in Dublin.  If we can’t make it (with a baby!), I’ll at least get a supporting membership (which is WAY cheaper) so I can nominate and vote.  I like being involved in this.  These are my people.  This is my community.

Are we going to do something fun and relevant with the money we got back?  Well…sort of.  Fun, no, but Hugo-relevant, yes.  The money is going to go to buying the stroller.  Practicality FTW!


    • Zannah

      FTW = for the win

      It’s Aug 15-19 next year in Dublin, but we probably won’t be making any decisions about going for many months.

  1. Margaret

    I’m not sure how I feel about this update, since you guys not going to Worldcon this year means we don’t get to see you 🙁 But I GUESS you have a good excuse…

    • Zannah

      It’s, like, the only acceptable positive excuse. But I know how you feel. I’m still working through some residual resentment….:)

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