Feel free to ignore this one

You know what I don’t want to talk about?  Itching.  Because I’m still itching.  And it’s kind of all I can think about.  Even though I think it might be getting a tiny bit better.

So that means…well.  Um.

We finally finished the online childbirth class.  It was…underwhelming.  And repetitive.  But I’m super glad we took it online, at home, so we could make fun of the videos on our own.  Much more entertaining that way.

My hospital bag is packed (mostly), the baby laundry has been re-washed using not-Dreft (which is under suspicion for possibly causing my itching), and we’ll probably install the car seat tomorrow.

I don’t think there’s anything left to do…but I’m not in a rush.


  1. Momma Betty

    That’s kind of funny because most women are more than ready to be relieved of the load. A little apprehension about motherhood, maybe? Smart, but too late now, sweetie. 9 days. Tick-tock.

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