There’s no question that I’m pretty big now. At my last appointment, the ultrasound tech estimated that the baby is over 8 lbs. This is not making me feel better about labor. Also not making me feel better? I can’t reach things. Last night, my eyelashes were trying to stab me in the eye again, so I tried to get close to a mirror to tweeze the offending bastards out, and I COULDN’T LEAN FAR ENOUGH OVER THE SINK. I washed some dishes today, and I had to stretch to reach the faucet because there’s this ENORMOUS WATERMELON in my way. And I can’t put it down.
On the brighter side, the itching is mostly gone (still somewhat present at night, but so much better). I don’t feel like I’m on the verge of amputating my feet anymore. I’m still not sleeping all that well, but I’m going to chalk that up to having to pee every 1-2 hours and general discomfort. And hey, let’s call it practice, since I won’t be sleeping more than an hour or two at a stretch for the foreseeable future anyway.
Saturday is the big day, although being this close without any signs doesn’t give me a lot of hope. Feels to me like I’m going to be late. (She says, leaning on all her experience.) I asked about how late they’d let me go without inducing, and they said we’ll talk about it if I reach 41 weeks. Yeah, well, I have an appointment at 40 weeks, 3 days – I’ll be asking about it then for sure.
I remember when washing dishes my stomach was so big there was no way not to get water all over it every time I turned on the faucet. I spent my entire third trimester with wet splotches all over my stomach.
Yes, exactly! I keep thinking that all the faucets are set too far back in this house, and John keeps reminding me that I have a built-in spacer. I should withhold judgment.
momma betty
Have you ever sat in the nursery and tried to imagine a baby in the crib? I did that. Still didn’t seem real right up until it happened.
If I had a place to sit in the nursery, I might have. 🙂 I can only imagine generic babies. Not OURS.