D-Day + 2, no change, but I have more confirmation that we have pretty great neighbors. My next-door neighbor was coming home from the gym as I was coming back from my walk, and she, being a nurse, was pretty reassuring and offered (again) to help when/if we need it. I saw our other immediate neighbors around lunchtime (Kevin and one of the (grown-up) kids) when I stopped by to give them some of last night’s cookie batch, and they insisted on sending me away with apples they picked this past weekend and admonishments to wash my hands as soon as I get home because Kerry has a cold and they don’t want me to get sick.
Nice people.
Momma Betty
So glad! It’s great to have good neighbors. Since I’m the ecstatic grandmother who has told everybody I know about the. We grand baby to be, I’m fielding questions from everybody. “So??” “No, not yet.”
Our friend Johs said tonight, this proves it’s a girl. They’re never ready on time
Oh ha ha ha. Ha.