‘Twas the night before I have to start working again
And all through the house
I am pacing the floors
and if I find a mouse, so help me, I will squish it flat to help relieve the anxiety
Okay, I’m not THAT anxious, and if I see a mouse, I will jump on the couch and scream. I’m a little bit anxious about being able to find the time, and I’m pretty sure that at least some of the work time every day is going to be when I would usually be sleeping. But also, I don’t WANT to find the time. I’ve been perfectly happy spending nearly every waking (and sleeping) moment with Jack. But NO. I just HAD to buy THIS house. (Never mind that I love this house and I don’t actually regret the purchase.)
I want it the way I want it, and the way I want it is to not have to work. Any idea what the Powerball is up to these days?
Momma Betty
I know how you feel. He’s been your entire life for almost three months. Are you going to work in the guest room or the library?
Good luck!
Library. We’ll see how it goes.