For the first time in a long time, like months, we had a really bad night with Jack. He’s fine, and he was fine during the night. He was just, you know, awake. He went to bed like normal, pretty easily. He was asleep in the crib before 7:30. He woke up about 3 and a half hours later, just before 11pm. We had JUST climbed into bed. I hadn’t even put my book down yet. John changed his diaper, and then I tried to nurse him back to sleep. For most of an hour. He didn’t go to sleep, so I stood up and held him, trying to sway him to sleep. He’d put his head down, then shift it, then shift it again. I thought it was going to work, but then he started to squirm and protest, so I sat back down with him and tried to nurse him to sleep again. No luck, repeat of the almost-settling on my shoulder, and then around 12:30 I texted John to come in and try, since he usually has really good luck getting him to sleep on his shoulder. Not that night – Jack was having none of it. Less than 15 minutes later, I was nursing him again, thinking super-sleepy thoughts at him, but it still didn’t work. Around 1:30, maybe a little before, I tagged John back in, but Jack just didn’t want to sleep. John put him in his crib and stayed nearby – Jack happily crawled in circles on the mattress for half an hour. So a little before 2am, it was back to nursing (and another diaper change) for us. Then I tried the crib thing. He giggled and wanted to play. I tried reading to him from outside the crib, but the light from the kindle fascinated him. I tried lying down on the floor next to the crib, but he kept babbling at me and reaching through the slats to poke me. Then around 2:30 John texted me to suggest we take him for a drive.
Jack was asleep within 20 minutes, and we were in bed by 3:15.
Was Jack kind enough to sleep in since he was awake for four hours in the middle of the night and we hadn’t yet gotten ANY sleep? Um, no. No, he was not. We all got up at 7am that morning. That’s less than four hours for me and John, for anyone too tired to do the math. Jack at least got that first 3 and a half hours.
Next question: why am I up NOW, at 10pm, with that in my recent history?