Our Chinese restaurant is closing as of tomorrow (Monday) because of the virus, which is terrible for them and both bad and not-so-bad for us.
For them: I don’t know if they’re closing because they can’t afford to stay open or if they don’t have the staff to stay open. Neither option is good, and I can’t even hope it’s one or the other.
For us: well, no more ordering Chinese food for a while.
- The bad: No more Chinese food for the foreseeable future. There’s only one other Chinese takeout place nearby, and it’s not as good.
- The not-so-bad: NO MORE CHINESE FOOD FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE. Considering how prone to ordering (and then eating) everything in sight I am when it comes to Chinese food, this can only be a good thing for my overall health.
All three of us enjoyed our last Chinese takeout meal FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUT-sorry. Jack happily ate what we ate and then guzzled down a full cup of water.
Momma Betty
Chinese food is so salty!