A mom I don’t know very well contacted me the other morning and asked if she could call me. She had something she wanted to talk to me about. ON THE PHONE. Who does that? To an acquaintance?!
Judging her.
Her message (via WhatsApp) was FULL of typos. Like, so many typos. (SO MANY TYPOS.)
Judging her.
She didn’t give me any indication of what it was about. John was convinced she was going to try to sell me something, maybe try to involve me in a pyramid scheme. I told her I was free all day EXCEPT for between 3 and 4 pm.
A few hours later, she replied and said she’d call me around 3pm.
Judging her.
I responded right away and said no, that’s when I CAN’T talk. Let’s aim for 4:30. She said okay. More typos.
Judging her.
She called me at 4:33. I was prepared to be all annoyed that she was late, but I’m not a monster. No judging on that one.
Are you ready for the anti-climax of your life?
The conversation was perfectly pleasant, she was perfectly nice, and she was calling to tell me she’s offering a free fitness class over Zoom Saturday morning and wanted to know if a) I was interested, and b) do I think it’s okay if she tells the mom group we have on WhatsApp about it. The answers were yes, and of course, I think they’d be excited about it, and hey, it was really nice to talk to you.
I feel like I should apologize, even though I didn’t express any of those terrible things to her.
You’re not a jerk. Bad day, maybe.
Aw, thanks, Mom.
The Butcher
Moms aren’t allowed to call you a jerk. Luckily, brothers are! Jerk!
I can’t argue with you. On either point.