For someone who professes to love Indian food (that would be me), it sure did take me a long time to try cooking it myself. To be fair (to myself), I’m not exactly an enthusiastic cook. I would much prefer Indian takeout but the nearest one is not that near.
I found an instant pot recipe for butter chicken, had almost all of the ingredients (I had to make two minor substitutions – so minor they basically don’t count), and it turned out pretty well! I am super excited about the leftovers.
I took zero pictures because by the time it was ready, I was hungry. Also, you know, it looked like tomato sauce and chicken over rice. Oh, yeah, I made basmati rice in our rice cooker, which hasn’t seen the outside of the cabinet in, let’s see, when did Corey and Christine give us that instant pot?
My horizons, they are expanding. Figuratively speaking.