I am throwing myself a parade

It’s working!  I feel like SUCH a moron for not doing this before, but making sure Jack’s room is super-dark seems to have fixed our nap problem.  (I am totally jinxing myself right now, I’m sure.)  After a few days of hanging the comforter over the curtain rod, I bought a cheap blackout shade, cut it to fit the window, and stuck it to the top of the window frame.  I still close the curtains over the shade and tape the edges down, and it gets nearly as dark as when I used the comforter, with the added bonus of not having the extra weight try to pull the curtain rod down.

Here’s what you want to know:

Jack has napped (!) in his crib (!!) for EIGHT days in a row (!!!), and EVERY nap has been between 90 minutes and two hours long (!!!!).  He has slept through the night, nine to ten-plus hours, for every one of those nights except one.

I know this won’t last forever (growth spurt, sleep regression, his two-year molars – have I mentioned that he already has all of his teeth except for those four in the very back?  He has so many teeth! – something will happen to disrupt sleep or naps), but I am going to enjoy it for as long as I can.


  1. momma Betty

    I guess he wasn’t willing to wear a sleep mask, huh? I could never sleep in the daytime either until I discovered the airplane sleep masks. After a couple of red-eyes back from California to KY, I could put on my “magic mask” and catch up on my lost hours. Worked like a charm! Glad the dark is working for Jack so far.

  2. momma Betty

    July 1, 2020 at 10:23 am

    I guess he wasn’t willing to wear a sleep mask, huh? I could never sleep in the daytime either until I discovered the airplane sleep masks. After a couple of red-eyes back from California to KY, I could put on my “magic mask” and catch up on my lost hours. Worked like a charm! Glad the dark is working for Jack so far.

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