Started: 12/5/20
Finished: 12/9/20
I found this thriller on a recommendation, but I can’t remember from where. I think it was described as similar to the movie Get Out, which I haven’t seen yet – not big on horror, but I’d like to see that one if I can psych myself up for it. Anyway, I’m lukewarm on it mostly because the thriller part doesn’t really get going until the last quarter of the book. It’s an uncomfortable read, in a good way – it’s about the evils of gentrification as some truly racist white people get away with small, medium, and large awful things as they move in. And if it hadn’t been billed as a thriller, I would probably feel better about it as a story. The first part was really good (and uncomfortable).
But the male lead being a white guy feels like a sop, like the author was cautioned that “not all white people are bad”, and while on one hand I appreciate that, on the other hand I think it undermines the point.