
The “why” phase of toddler development officially began this week. LOTS of “why?”, sometimes pursued, sometimes abandoned. I’m trying to gauge when he’s actually asking vs when it’s the start of an objection and he doesn’t really care why unless the answer is “okay, you’re right, you can do or have <insert toy or food here>”.

I’m happy to follow him down the why rabbit hole, though. Twice, just this week, with completely different starting points, our journey took us to an explanation of how time is linear. Coincidence? Maybe, but I plan to pay attention and see how often this happens.

I don’t remember the start of the second conversation, but the first one started on our way home from a playground. He had kicked his shoes off. “Mommy, can you get my shoes?” “Not right now, sweetie.” “Why?” “Because I’m driving the car.” “Why?” I wish I had recorded it – I’d really like to remember how we got to time, but it was perfectly logical then.

If it happens again, I might publish.


  1. Betty Shiffman

    Love it. Reminds me of when Mel about 4 years old, asked me why a tree was called a “tree”. I launched I to an explanation of how people who live near each other gradually begin to agree on what things should be called. But she wasn’t happy with explanation and decided to ask Uncle Ed because he’s a judge and knows everything. When she asked him, he have her a typically Ed BS answer: “You just look it up in the book of words be there it is.” She preferred his explanation to mine, of course

  2. Why ask why

    Kids seem to go through the same phases, trying out different professions on their parents. This is the philosopher stage, followed shortly by (or someone interspersed with) the lawyer stage. Then there’s the detective stage and comedian stage…

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