It’s been cold here lately (single digits overnight), and we don’t have a garage. Maybe it shouldn’t have been a surprise that the car wouldn’t start this morning.
Backup plan – I call a friend who drives her kids to school, too, and who hopefully hasn’t left yet.
Does she have room in the car for one more? She does!
Jack looks at me like I’m throwing him to the wolves.
Does she have room for me, too? She does! But she wouldn’t be able to bring me straight home, and I have to work.
She’ll be over here soon to get Jack. Jack and I talk about how he’s nervous, but it’ll be okay, he knows her, and he knows one of her kids (same class, same preschool).
John asks if she can give us a jump. Great idea!
I call her back – of course she can! She’s heading our way right now.
She calls me back – do we have jumper cables? Of course we do! And John will have everything set up when she gets here.
Jack and I talk about how he’ll go with her if the car won’t start, but if the car DOES start, he can go to school with Dad just like normal.
He’s nervous while we wait for her. Extra hugs.
She arrives in her van, with her husband in his truck, as extra backup.
He and John get the cars hooked up, and ours starts right away. Success!
Lots of thanks to our friends, who head off to school.
Jack gets in the car and tells me he’s a little disappointed. He’d worked himself up to be okay with going to school with them, without us, and now it wasn’t happening. Totally understandable.
He asks if we can fake the car not starting tomorrow and ask them again.
I tell him we can just arrange them to pick him up one morning, if he wants.
John and Jack head off to school. Crisis averted.
That is so sweet!