The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
Started: 4/2/18
Finished: 4/7/18
I REALLY enjoyed this book – it’s all court intrigue, not a lot of ACTION-action, but lots of maneuvering and politics. It’s not perfect, though, and if you’re going to read it (and I think some of you should), maybe don’t read this next part. The new emperor is young, only semi-educated and only about some things, never expected to be emperor, and knows nothing about governing or court life. He has a head for logic and reasoning because of his guardian, but that’s about it. So he ends up the emperor, and…then he never makes a mistake (not any serious ones). He picks the right people as his close advisors (when he has the opportunity to make a choice), even though he knows NO ONE, and he says the right thing to the right people when it counts. You’re in his head, and he’s scared all the time and you like him and you want him to succeed, but shouldn’t he stumble over something? AllĀ of his problems come from outside forces. I really did like this book, and I would absolutely read more about him, but this tiny thing gets to me a little.