When I woke up this morning, you were on my mi-i-i-i-ind
I woke up today with a much sunnier outlook. It’s Friday (woo!), the sun is trying to come out, I’ve been watching what I’ve been eating for the past two days and as a result, I have lost two of those pounds I gained back, Mom and Dad are on their way back to the States, and it’s the weekend! It’s worth mentioning twice because I have a lot to do and will have time to do it this weekend. I will finish shopping this weekend. I will also get my earrings fixed. John bought me these beautiful emerald and diamond earrings for my birthday this year, but the first time I tried to wear them, I found that one of the clasps won’t latch. There’s nothing to keep that earring from falling out of my ear. I want to wear them on Thursday (office holiday luncheon), so I need to get them fixed.
Hey, in case any of you were in doubt, Mom gives good advice. Especially when one is overly emotional. Mindy jumped right on the emotional crazy train with me and told me exactly what I wanted to hear (which is great for validation – thanks, Min!), but Mom told me what I should do. And she was right. So that’s what I did. And now that the crazy train has pulled into the station (had enough of this metaphor?), I’m glad I listened to her. Well, that was yesterday (and yesterday’s gone). Today everything is sunshine and light. 🙂 That may be going a bit far.
John’s sleeping in this morning, so I need to take care of the dogs and get my butt to work.