One thing leads to the wrong thing
I am SO not in the mood for work today. We packed up the car, dropped off the dogs….and went to work. That’s not what’s supposed to happen next! Packing the car is supposed to be followed by hitting the road! Driving to your destination! And your destination should never be work. Work is NOT a destination. A destination is someplace you want to be, someplace you’re looking forward to going. Vacation. Work is an end, a place, an objective (an objective I am not meeting at the moment), but never a destination.
So yes, I’m at work. I still have an hour to go. And contrary to my own expectations, I actually have done some work today. I have also fielded calls from Mom and Erik and been to the bank and the deli. All not work-related. It evens out.
We stayed up a little later than planned last night. Got a lot of presents wrapped, more peppermint bark made. And this morning we just couldn’t get out the door. We got up early to pack and load the car, but it was still almost 10 o’clock before we left the house! So for the second day in a row, we were late. Our boss was good-natured about it. I’m a little tired, but I see a stop at Starbucks in my future, so I’m not worried about making it to PA.