I saw Twilight (the movie) today with Christina. Didn’t like it very much. And I really didn’t like the actor who played the male lead. I ended up agreeing with John’s assessment (from the previews only); his portrayal made me want to punch him in the face. I’m not even sure if I want to punch the actor or the character. Maybe both. Either way, I didn’t think the movie was very well done. I don’t think it stands on its own. And the more of the series I read (I’m on the third book now), the less I like the characters. The climax of each book (well, twice now in the first two books) keeps me on the edge of my seat, but once the action is over, I go back to being really annoyed by the characters.
John and I went to Bob Evans (down on the farm) for breakfast this morning, where I was overwhelmed by a swimming pool-sized bowl of sausage gravy. I may have nightmares about it.
Try their multigrain pancakes next time. Love those.
Next time? Next time is far away, I’m afraid. But I will put multigrain pancakes at the top of the list when next time finally arrives.