Writing in the margins

Jess mentioned on her blog yesterday that she loves marginalia.  I have to agree.  I usually don’t write in my books (and John thinks it’s sacrilege to deface a book in any way), but that’s part of why I love used books.  I like to read what other people may have been thinking when they read the book that’s in my hands.  What was important enough to them to point it out in the margins?  Was it for school?  I found an old book of Sherlock Holmes stories that had several pages of someone’s notes for a book report in it.  My copy of A Handmaid’s Tale was Mom’s, and it looks like she used it to teach a class.  Unfortunately, her notes are so cryptic that I can’t tell why she marked particular passages.  (You’re going to have to walk me through it sometime, Mom.)

In other news, I just watched Waitress.  I really liked it.  It’s quirky, funny, sweet.  There aren’t any one-note characters.  I just really liked it.  It made me feel good.  You should see it.


  1. momma betty

    (Even though I check Remember Me every time I log in, Word Press never does.) I used Handmaid’s Tale in grad school the semester I was taking two lit crit courses. So I used the book for two extensive papers on different subjects. I was totally immersed for one long semester. And I probably wouldn’t remember what my notes meant now.

  2. Zannah

    Well, I may ask you to flip through it and see what you remember. Sometime. When I remember to bring it with me. 🙂

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