Book Club – First Impression
Tonight was the first meeting of our neighborhood book club. There were about 12 people there. Eleven were women. And there were five or six people who couldn’t make this meeting, but were interested. Big club. We decided on a book pretty much by default. Barbara, the woman who organized this, reserved a book kit from the library, so since we already had enough copies of the kit that came in, we’re going to read The Samurai’s Garden by Gail Tsukiyama. It looks pretty good. We’re only meeting once a month, so I’ll probably put off reading it until we get a lot closer to the next meeting. Anyway, we all introduced ourselves, then we made the book and weekly meeting decisions (first Tuesday of the month), and that was pretty much it except for the chatting. I met Diana, who was sitting next to me and likes to read all kinds of things, including fantasy. She has a 25-year-old son who bought World of Warcraft for her a year ago. She’s addicted to it now, which strikes me as pretty funny. Anyway, we chatted for a while and then helped Barbara pack up the snacks, since everyone started to leave.
The verdict? That’ll have to wait until after our first discussion meeting or two. Also, I’m the youngest person there by 5-8 years, I think. Not really surprising, I guess.