Our fun Saturday night
John has a quiz due in his Theory of Algorithms class Monday night. He’s felt close to the answer all day today. We’ve been trying to figure out the very last step for the last three-ish hours. My brain hurts from trying to help John. I’m so glad I will never have to take Theory of Algorithms. I don’t want to be a computer programmer!
The rest of the day was spent at brunch with Erik and then at Tysons, buying me a wonderful new laptop bag/tote. It’s red leather, and it’s perfect. 🙂 I love it. (This was part of my birthday present.) Oh, and I’m supposed to mention here that Roxy had a seizure this morning. (It’ll help me track when she has seizures if I tag the blog entry that mentions it.) I think she’s been having them a little more often that once a month, which may mean she needs her medication updated.
I am really tired. I have a lot to do tomorrow, so if John’s quiz allows, I’ll be heading to bed relatively early tonight.