Lack of concentration and the DMV
I’m having a hard time concentrating this week. Work, that thing for next week, reading…can’t concentrate on it. I get like this whenever I’m about to travel somewhere. I’m mentally ready to go several days in advance, so I find it hard to focus on anything not related the trip. I find myself mentally packing. Today, I was trying to figure out just how light I could pack to make my run through the Atlanta airport as easy as possible. (I have a 38-minute layover in Atlanta Friday morning, and my flight out of there is two terminals away from where I’ll land. I’m packing carry-on luggage only ’cause I don’t think anything I check will make the connection. Which explains why I’m obsessing a little over what I’m going to pack. And that’s just a bit ridiculous since I’m only going for a long weekend. What’s to pack? Get out of parentheses, please.) I still have two days of work to get through. Feels like forever.
Speaking of forever, that’s about how long I spent at the DMV today. I remembered over the weekend that my license expired on my birthday. I planned to go to the DMV yesterday, but the one near the office was closed because of the snow, so I went this afternoon. The website lists wait times for nearby locations, and the one I was going to said the wait time was about 25 minutes. They LIED. I waited about 5 minutes in the information line to tell them why I was there and get my number. Then I sat down with my book. An hour later (not 25 minutes or anything close), they called my number. Ten minutes at the counter, and then I sat down to wait for them to call my name for the new picture. Maybe another ten minutes, took the picture, and then another ten or so before my license was ready. Despite the annoyance of having to wait that long, I think I enjoyed that part of my day more than any other part until I got home from work. I had about an hour and a half of uninterrupted time to read my book! During the work day! So that was pretty cool. Yay DMV! I bet they never hear that.