Trying too hard and banana bread
I’m not the one who’s trying too hard. (According to Jeff and John, I don’t try hard enough at work to hide my dislike of a couple of people. I’ll work on that.) No, I was at the grocery store today and when I got to the check-out, I met the most annoying cashier ever. It was his first day (he made sure I knew that), and he wouldn’t shut up. He commented on every item I bought. Sometimes he just announced the item (“Bread!”). I bought a bag of sugar and he burst into song. “Sugar (ba da ba ba ba bum), ah, honey, honey.” A couple of things and it might have been amusing, but he really did say (or sing) something about EVERYthing I bought. (“Ooh, flour. Conditioner! Hey, toilet paper!”) I’m sure he was just nervous or something (or maybe he’s always annoying), but I was getting ready to throw something at him. Maybe my 5 lb bag of sugar. And lest you think I’m exaggerating, I was not the only one annoyed. I shared a look with the woman behind me.
Then I came home and made banana bread.