I think it’s easier to have wonderful weekends as the weather gets nicer. Saturday we got up, I ran (badly – I think 60 degrees is when it gets officially too hot for Roxy), we had breakfast, and then John worked on his car and I ran errands. I went to a nearby nursery and talked to a guy about trees and what I should plant in my flower bed so I can do the least amount of upkeep. And I showed him a picture of the poor stunted tree in our front yard. He said it has been infested with wood-boring insects and is slowly dying, so we should just take it out and put something else in. John and I kind of thought we might have to do that, so then I talked to the guy about what kind of tree we should put in, and what kinds of trees we should plant near the deck for shade (someday). Very nice guy.
We had a very nice time with Christina and Will that night (dinner, Wii, alcohol – perfect combination!), and then didn’t get enough sleep before we had to get up this morning so we could run before heading to Ballston to have brunch with Erik (always fun). So we’re caught up with all his news, we ate entirely too much brunch (that’s what we get for going to the Cheesecake Factory), and then we ran more errands on the way home.
Our weekends are always full of errands.
In other news, John and I are running in the George Washington Parkway Classic (the 5K, not the 10-miler) next Sunday morning in Alexandria (Old Town). The race starts at 8am, and for us, it ends around 8:30. Erik has promised to come out and cheer for us (and join us for breakfast afterward), and it would be really cool if anyone else local wants to come out, too. Check out the website and the race map and let us know!