I didn’t have much time to read today, which makes sense now that I think about it…Got up, ran, read a little while eating breakfast, went to work, worked, came home, made dinner, ate dinner, and now I’m on the computer. When was I going to read? When do I read during the day any weekday? But it feels worse today, like I missed out on some special reading time that I can’t remember having any other day. This makes no sense. On top of that, I’m trying to get to bed earlier so I can get up earlier, and that means not much time for reading tonight. Very very sad.
Nothing much happened today. As Mom said, that’s boring, but also good. No drama. I prefer my drama on TV. Ooh, speaking of TV, we were watching it while eating dinner tonight (and every night – I think we decided we weren’t going to that anymore a while back), and I actually meant speaking of dinner, but I wasn’t, so here we go: we had tuna steaks! Seared on the grill! So good.