They should never make movies where dogs die! I don’t care how old the dog is or how appropriate it might be to the plot. There is no good reason to kill off a dog in a movie. None!
I feel better. Stupid Marley and Me. I didn’t like the book, don’t know why I bothered to watch the movie, so I have only myself to blame. And the author. And the director. At one point, they kind of forgot the movie was supposed to be about the dog, and then when they remembered, well, the dog was old and bad things happened. But I’m an easy cryer (crier? cryer.), so I kept the kleenex close. And they never did train the dog! At least in the book, the training came eventually. In the movie, the dog just settled down (when he was about 8 years old) somehow.
I just gave Roxy her medicine, which reminds me…I need to swing by the vet and pick up the prescription for this new stuff we’re going to try instead of one of her current medicines. Our vet thinks we may have better luck controlling Roxy’s seizures on a different combination of medicines, since the phenobarbitol doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. She thinks we can do better (fewer) than a seizure a month (especially since it’s been more often since May). So we’ll try it and see.