1. Jessica

    Hey, that’s cool! I’m sure there are worse things to be than a winged purveyor of magic meatballs.

    I discovered this weekend that I’m doomed to be Aunt Floogie for many years to come. Especially now that Alex has a teacher named Jessica. If you say “Jessica” she thinks you’re talking about her teacher, but “Aunt Floogie” is completely unambiguous.

    I taught her to go up to Uncle Chuck and say “You’re silly!”

  2. Zannah

    Ooh, a matched set! Tell them I said congratulations!

    I don’t mind being the meatball fairy, mostly, but I wish I knew what links me to meatballs in her mind. On the other hand, maybe I’m happier not knowing. (“Aunt Zannah is round like a meatball! She must be the meatball fairy!”)

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