One day to go

One more day and then I’ll be working on a new contract at work.  My current project has caused me nothing but headaches (which is a shame, because I like that kind of work, but this one guy is pushing all my buttons and I can’t wait to stop having to deal with him), so I’m really looking forward to moving on.

I started reading Slaughterhouse 5 the other day.  It’s weird, and I put it down.  I might go back to it (I’m still carrying it around with me), but I’ve started and finished another Rosamunde Pilcher book (Snow in April) since then, and I just started Thornyhold (Mary Stewart) today.  So I’m not in any hurry.

Speaking of Rosamunde Pilcher, I still really enjoy her books, but I’m starting to rank them now.  I’ve read six of them.  Three were really good (Coming Home, September, and The Shell Seekers) and the other three ranged from so-so (still entertaining but not good) to pretty good.  Just in case anyone is thinking of trying them.

One Comment

  1. inoidiot

    Moving on is good. Things change and so it becomes time to move on. Good luck with that.

    Do not give up on Kurt Vonnegut. He is very much worth reading. I will admit, however, that he may take awhile to grow on you.

    I have never read Rosamunde Pilcher. Maybe I will give her a spin.


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