Dining room makeover, Part I
Destruction comes first. The dining room is a complete mess. The walls have torn wallpaper and wallpaper glue all over, and the floor is covered in wallpaper I’ve managed to get off so far. The curtains (that Mom hates anyway) are down, and I’ve moved some of the furniture out. I think the table can stay (I’ll cover it and use it to stage paint and stuff), but I can’t move the sideboard/buffet thing by myself. And I still don’t know what color I’m going to paint it.
Aside from a trip to the store (Wegman’s and Home Depot – two stores), I’ve been inside all day, which is kind of a shame, actually. It was a beautiful sunny day, not too cold. Oh, and I very nicely got rid of two Mormon kids on their mission this afternoon. I was so nice I don’t think they even felt rejected. 🙂