Party on, Wayne.
I’m tired of painting. The second coat is on, so tomorrow I’ll do the trim. Or at least part of it. I think I’ll need John’s help with a couple of things.
I should feel more tired than I do. It was after 1:30 when we got home last night from the holiday party. I’m sure it’ll catch up with me tonight. The party was fun, though. Lots of food, open bar, a live band and music when the band needed a break. We went to find Joe so we could say goodbye on our way out, but Joe was on the dance floor, so saying goodbye turned into an hour of dancing. I like to dance. 🙂
So you know how John is usually the tallest person in the room? He’s got a coworker who’s 6’6″. We spent a lot of time talking to him last night, and I just couldn’t get over how he dwarfs John. It was totally weird.
And now I’m off to shovel the sidewalk and the driveway. Here’s a cute picture of Roxy (I didn’t want her to feel left out).