On the advice of John’s grandmother’s live-in aide, Cheryl, we asked his new stylist, Jenny, to model his new haircut after Sting’s hair. See exhibits A and B (we took these pictures with us):
Now, see John’s very cool, very Sting-like hair:
We’re discussing the possibility of a beard. Short, a little scruffy, but neat. And new glasses. It’s almost like having a new husband! Not that I was looking for one. 🙂 I like mine.
momma betty
Good-lookin’! And well on your way to being a rock start, John.
Is a rock start sort of an embryo rock star? You’re just beginning and haven’t quite reached the level of fame required for a full-fledged rock star? 🙂
momma betty
SOME people could be regarded as UPstarts,