
Name our bookstore!  Someday, John and I are going to have a real live physical used bookstore in a wonderful smallish town somewhere.  Someday sooner, we’ll be selling used books online, so for that someday sooner, we really need a name.  And we’re not very good at coming up with names.  You should have seen the torture we all went through while looking for a name for John’s band.  We could only think of terrible names.  So…contest!  The person who comes up with the best name for our bookstore will get….something.  No, really, there will be a prize.  I just don’t know what yet.  But it’ll be something not free.  Not free for me, I mean.  Of course the prize will be free for the winner.  Duh.  Anyway…CONTEST!  Name our bookstore!


  1. momma betty

    Ok, this one is definitely not a winner, but it does make me first: ChatterBooks. (Get it? Play on Chatterbox? Ok, yeah, you did get it.)

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