WASP! – Now with flowers

We have a wasp’s nest just outside the garage door.  A baby wasp’s nest.  A nest for baby wasps.  (Not really.  Actually, that, too.)  It looks like it’s just the beginning of a nest, so it’s still really small.  There were about five wasps crawling on it and I refused to get close enough to find out what kind of wasps they are.  I looked up how to get rid of them and that’s almost as scary as leaving them there.  Apparently, the first thing you’re supposed to do it go make sure you’re not allergic to wasp stings.  If you are, call an exterminator.  If you’re not, go buy a pressurized can of wasp killer/poison, wear multiple layers with long sleeves and long pants, tuck your pants into your shoes, tuck your sleeves into your gloves (wear gloves), and wear a hat and goggles.  Oh, and it’s suggested that your top layer be something non-permeable, like rubber.  Wait until dark and spray the hell out of the nest.  You’re also supposed to make sure you have an escape route just in case you don’t aim very well or the poison doesn’t act fast enough and you end up with a swarm of angry wasps chasing you.  I wish I were making this stuff up.  Just google it.  I want nothing to do with this.

In other news…am I fixed?  It looks like it on every browser and every computer I have access to, but I no longer trust that.  If it looks weird to you (no picture, tag line in the wrong place, etc), please let me know.  John found a way to make it work again, but it’s not the right way.  Of course, it is, it works, but we can find no earthly reason why it wasn’t working before.  I’ve compared my CSS file to the original one, before I tinkered with it, and we don’t see any differences. But hey, it works (I think), and I still might tinker with changing the look over the weekend.  This whole thing started because I wanted to change the picture, and I still want to do that, so we’ll see what happens.

So John is wonderful (I don’t say that enough), not only because he fixed my website, but also because he came home with flowers for me today.  He stopped to buy wasp killer, but the store didn’t have it.  Instead, he bought ice cream (for himself – I swore off ice cream when I quit eating pound cake) and flowers for me.  ‘Cause that’s what you do when they’re out of wasp killer.  Or that’s what you do when you know you can’t immediately kill the wasps that are threatening your wife.  I love flowers.