In search of a great idea
John and I met a guy this weekend who quit his job to work on his big idea. It sounds so cool and so scary and we’re totally jealous. If only we had a big idea. Help? As we all know, I have no ideas. There are days I can barely put words on paper. (Or on the screen. Imagine how long it would take me to post if I wrote drafts in a notebook first.)
This inability to come up with an idea is making me think about the similarity to writer’s block, which seems to be causing writer’s block, and can I just say I don’t want to have writer’s block? Maybe I’ll write about writer’s block. Maybe I’ll just keep typing writer’s block. Writer’s block.
Writer’s block could be a toy. Like little wooden blocks with letters on them, except instead of just one letter per side, they have whole keyboards on each side, and you can press the letters to make words that would appear where? On top of the block? I think I’ve just described a computer in the shape of a cube, and I’ll shut up now ’cause that’s kind of dumb.