My brain left. Packed a suitcase. Bought a train ticket. Said goodbye to the dogs. Walked out the door. (Sounds like a country song.) I have been completely useless all day.
Want to see the cutest puppy paw ever?
This is what happens when my brain skips town. I go through my camera and look for cute pictures. I can’t even complete this thought. Going to the gym. Might clear my head. My empty head. If you’ve seen my brain, please give me a call. I’d like it back.
momma betty
Is that a Daisy paw? Your brother says your brain is empty.
Tell your brother to quit hogging your parents. 😉
That was a test, Mom, and you passed! You recognize your own dog’s paw. 🙂
Tell Brother of Ourn to watch his back.
momma betty
Yay, me!