We weren’t particularly in the mood for Halloween this year. John picked up some candy yesterday, but we didn’t decorate, we didn’t look for costumes for ourselves, and as of this morning, we’d decided to pretend we weren’t home. I had visions of us leaving all the downstairs lights off and hiding in our room with dinner, the dogs, and the Roku, blinds closed. I would have put a bowl of candy on the front porch, but that would have been it. Then John got home and decided we weren’t going to be those neighbors. Instead, the lights are on, the doorbell is ringing, the dogs are going nuts (Riley LOVES Halloween – he’s so excited he gets to say hi to all the little kids), and we’re holding dinner until the rush is over. But the kids are cute. This one little boy was pretty clearly dressed as Thor, so I asked the idiot question: “Are you Thor?” “NO. I’m FIVE.” I stopped asking. Another little girl ran back to her parents yelling, “I petted the doggie!” That’s SO much better than candy.
brilliant mama
We were just talking about how much Murphy always loved Halloween. He would race to the door to be first to greet the kids. Some of them were a little bit overwhelmed by his Golden enthusiasm. I’m glad Riley enjoys it.
I’m so jealous that you even have trick or treaters that you might have ignored.
We moved in two days before Halloween six years ago. That year, I was all ready for hordes of kids. I was dressed up, we had a ton of candy…and then no one showed up. We were clearly home and on Halloween, no one cares that you haven’t met the neighbors yet. I was a teensy bit devastated. It got better.
Are there kids in your neighborhood and they just don’t come around?