This (from Catalog Living) is almost as hilarious as the llama picture.
A couple of weeks ago, John and I hung a shelf above the couch in the family room. Now I don’t know what to put on it. The studs aren’t spaced right, so we reinforced the bottom, but I still don’t think it’s sturdy enough to pack it full of books. We were going to hang a second one above the TV, but we’ll have the same weight distribution problem. So what do we do?
It looks a little ridiculous empty, but I’m afraid it’ll come crashing down if we put anything heavy on it.
Brian Breguet
hmmm…do I recognize an Ikea Expedit shelf?
As to what to put on it, I say pictures. Do you have any trinkets to display?
What’s the back made of? If solid, screw directly through to the studs. If not, consider a new back (or simply a couple of rails on the back), connected solidly to the frame, then on to the studs?
Unfortunately, the back is your typical Ikea cardboard (may or may not be Expedit, though – I don’t remember). We’ll look at the rail idea (that’s what we put below it), but I think it’s not happening this weekend. 🙂 Too many other things to do. Like find pictures to put on it and move trinkets from other places (thanks, Brian!). And CLEAN. And study.
Six words: Time And Relative Dimension In Space
ok, that link didn’t post right so here it is:
with a companion:
John’s first car:
Granted, this has a slightly better paint job, and he didn’t own an SS
Or you could remember the good times:
mama mama
Do you have any pottery barn catalogs lying around? Or go on line. They have great ideas for display. Or just wait until I get there!
mama mama
Just clicked on the Catalog Living picture and had to LOL for a long time
Oh believe me, Brian, a replica of a Navy ship is NOT going on that shelf. A spinning TARDIS – absolutely. I bought John the sonic screwdriver for Christmas.
Yeah, I threw the Navy ship in there solely as a joke-I absolutely know that’s never going up there