In love with Indian food

I am sore all over.  Have been all day.  I don’t know what I did ’cause I’m pretty sure I didn’t do much yesterday to deserve this.  I think it’s a holdover from yoga Wednesday night.  I woke up all stiff and tried to do some of those yoga moves on my own this morning, but I could barely bend over, so I gave up.  Which is the opposite of what I should have done, since I’m sure if I’d kept at it I would have loosened up.  Anyway, my hamstrings are tight, and my back and shoulders are sore.  But then I ate Indian food for lunch (which is synonymous with eating too much Indian for lunch), so I went to the gym and spent an hour and 20 minutes on my favorite cardio-machine-that-is-not-an-elliptical.  To punish myself.  And also to pretend I didn’t eat that much.

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