Look what I got today!

When I got home from work today, there was a box on the island for me.  How very exciting.  Of course, I knew exactly what it was because I ordered it and I tracked it once it was shipped.  No surprises there.

Check out my new hat!

I have a very serious self-portrait problem.  I’m really very bad at taking them.  (Exhibit A: my numerous attempts on that trip to Boston two years ago.)  It takes every ounce of brainpower I have to get my eyes looking in the right place, and then I don’t have any left over to click the button, so I look at the camera to find the button and then I can’t find where I’m supposed to look again.

Here’s attempt #2 (the winner above was #4):

See? I think I’m looking at myself in the mirror instead of the camera, and it’s blurry. Cute hat, though.

I need to take lessons.  Or just quit trying.  I can’t figure out how to keep the phone out of the picture.


  1. Lance Armstrong

    doesn’t your phone have an image reverse button so the lens is looking at you instead of pointing away? even so, it’s still hard to find the right place to look!

  2. Zannah

    Thanks, Dad!

    It does have a front-facing camera, but I tried it and I could NOT figure out where to look. Too hard.

  3. Melvin?

    Nice that John lets you wear hats (humph). I might still send you my Panama since I never get to wear it. Sad face.

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