Today didn’t turn out quite like I thought it would. We were out late last night (we met Emily at her new place for dinner), so we slept late this morning, dawdled about breakfast, and kinda puttered around all day. It’s been a nice day, don’t get me wrong, but I kinda had plans for it that I never put into action.
I did go to Wegmans, though, so I was able to do something productive. Actual grocery shopping that resulted in real healthy food at home will certainly help us eat right this week. But it’s not going to keep us from having nachos for dinner. Because we’re stupid.
Now I have to decide something really important. For the second time today, since I finished Little Brother last night and read Coraline this afternoon. What am I going to read next?
momma betty
Why are you reading children’s books?
Because they’re good. Besides, you’re one to talk. Age of Miracles, anyone?
How did you like Little Brother? I thought it was decent, but a bit over the top.
Over the top in its portrayal of the DHS? Yes. Over the top in its premise that a 17-year-old could do all that? Yes. Still totally enjoyable? Very much so. I liked it and would read more of his stuff. Have you tried anything else?
I have “Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town” but I haven’t read it yet. He was actually at Joseph Beth about two weeks ago but I didn’t find out until the day of (noticing a trend here?) and already had plans for the evening.
Maybe you should start checking those calendars ahead of time…