Dear Internet,
Why are you so big? You make it very hard for me to keep up some weeks. Don’t misunderstand; I’m THRILLED you’re as big as you are because that means there’s always something new to find. Lately, though, I don’t have time during the day, and I don’t have the energy after work. I’m missing out on so much. I haven’t visited my bloggy buddies (I think I’m stealing that from Wombat – Wombat, can I steal this please?) in forever, and I certainly don’t mean to neglect them. Some evenings I open tabs for all of my favorite websites and I still don’t get to them all. Also, why does WordPress insist that I’m misspelling favorite? Also, why is “Moves Like Jagger” allowed to be used in commercials? I’ve managed to avoid hearing it for weeks and weeks, but now it’s back and stuck in my brain. Also also, if happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why, oh why can’t I? That may help with my song-stuck-in-brain syndrome.
Oh, wait, this is a letter.
What? I love the internet.
Wombat Central
Steal away, bloggy buddy. 🙂 I don’t know why, but I haven’t been able to visit a fraction of the sites I usually do or post jack or squat on mah blahg. I need some time management skillz so there’s ample Internetz time.
You and me both.