
Still achy this morning, but it occurred to me that maybe my legs are achy not just because I didn’t pay attention to my pace yesterday but maybe also because I spent several hours standing around in heels while trying on bridesmaid dresses with Emily AFTER being stupid about my speed.  I thought running through the ache this morning would be good for me.  Maybe it was.  (It’s hard to say.)  But that wasn’t the only reason I ran this morning.  (It wasn’t even the main reason.)  Mostly, I ran because I felt obligated to.  I spend so much time complaining about how I don’t like to run in the dark that I just couldn’t pass up an opportunity to run at my usual time (just before 6am) and see the sun.  It was nice (if a little cold).  Also nice?  John told me that I looked super-skinny in my running clothes.  I think I’ll keep him.

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