I’m staying home again today, resting. Needed. I’ve spent nearly two hours this morning online, catching up on Dooce archives. (I haven’t been on her website for what seems like – and might actually be – a year.) Now? I feel guilty. Like I should have spent that time doing something else. What? I don’t know. How is this not resting? Apparently, I should be more productive when I’m resting. I suppose I could be learning something (French, MinutePhysics, Khan Academy), or I could be reading my book (I’m re-reading The Book Thief so it’s fresh when I see the movie – not always the smartest move, but I can’t help myself), or – hey! – I could be updating the book list on this very website, and maybe I will do those things today, but first I need to convince myself that two hours staring vacantly at someone else’s old blog posts isn’t wasted time.