Baking Spree: The Donouement

How did it all turn out?  I don’t really know, actually.  I mean, I know I came home with a variety of yummy cookies, but I don’t know if they liked mine.  Maybe I’ll hear about it later…  I went over to my neighbor’s house last night all decked out for the holidays (or as decked out as I get) – I wore a red sweater, snowflake earrings, and my Christmas socks, although no one could see them since I wore my fuzzy boots.  (The socks and earrings, like every other Christmas-themed item I own, were gifts from my mother-in-law.)  I brought my required cookies (3 dozen chocolate chip cookies, NO toffee – nuts were forbidden, and the toffee I bought was made with almonds), some peppermint bark and toffee bark for each person in the exchange (those were gifts, not exchange items.  I figured toffee would be okay for that.), and a couple of the toffee chocolate chips for our hostess, who’s not afraid of nuts. We poured some wine, had some dinner, talked A LOT, exchanged some cookies, and came home.  Fun.  Also cookies.  What’s not to like about a cookie exchange?